Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 19 June 2020

Mixed Weather.

The day began looking quite gloomy, dark clouds loomed during the afternoon and right now (5.30 pm) the sky is blue and it's positively hot.
Our day began well when the estate agent phoned to arrange a viewing for tomorrow. They've sold their property and we're pretty sure they've viewed before. All the more reason to get the varnish for the conservatory wood and today was my shopping day anyway.
First stop was at BJ's where the shelves where the varnish should have been were almost empty. Just one tin of high gloss mahogany varnish. Not suitable at all. Naturally I had a look around their garden centre and if I'd been pushing a trolley rather than towing a basket I'd have bought more of these lavender plants which had been reduced to £1 each. Nothing out of the ordinary at Lidl's and Tesco's though having sent us a text to say our prescription was ready Tesco's only had Peter's stuff. They couldn't tell me about mine as their computers had gone down. 
I called in at B&Q to look for the varnish. There on the shelf was one lone small tin of matt oak varnish, for £11! The next size up tins of a different make were the same price but only gloss and no oak varnish. Nothing for it but to buy the pricey tin. I bought a few other small items from the reduced bin and when I went to pay the total was ridiculously low. I checked with the till person that the varnish had been scanned and this was what the system decided to charge me. I was not going to argue with that. When I got home I painted on several coats of the quick drying varnish and I shall use some DIY adhesive to stick the wood to conservatory frame. They can't be stuck to the flooring planks as those need to be able to expand and contract with the weather conditions.
The govt. has just announced that all children will return to school in September. Below is a photo posted by a friend of her classroom where she is currently teaching 3, 4 and 5 year olds. At the same time as coping with such grim surroundings there is still the 2m distancing rule though that may be reduced to 1m. Would you want your young child to be taught in these conditions?

1 comment:

happyone said...

Good luck with the viewing tomorrow. Hope all goes well!!!
No, think it is too soon for kids to go back to school.