Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Still Sunny.

I can't believe how lovely the weather still is. However the clouds are no longer fluffy little cumulus puffs but wispy cirrus. Does this mean a change is on its way? 
I walked into town this morning hoping to catch sight of Peter out on the water as today they were trying dragon boat racing. Paddles instead of oars and twice the number in each boat. Unfortunately I didn't catch sight of them, I think they had gone too far down the river by the time I got there. Apparently it was very tiring as they were using different muscles but Peter enjoyed himself. My other reason for going into town was to buy some screws for my planter project. Up till now I've been looking in our tub of medium to large mixed screws but had run out of the sizes I needed. I do like the idea of Wilko's pick and mix screw selection. You can buy sealed packs of 10 or maybe 12 screws for £1.75 but for £1.99 you can fill a small bag with whichever screws you need. I think I had over 60 assorted screws in my bag.

On the way home through Pilton the alley I walk up was filled with scaffolding as the walls and roof of the adjoining house are repaired. It must be a very old property as the wall is a cob wall (I has chatted to the builders there before). Cob is an historical method of building where clayey mud is mixed with straw to make walls at least 2 ft. thick which are generally coated with a lime render.
Further along the alley some lovely dark aquilegias were growing amongst the weeds. Whereas at Dingles most of the self-seeded aquilegias were pink here I've been noticing these purple ones popping up in a number of gardens. 
When I got home, not too hot as I'd been brave and gone into town in shorts, I got to work on the garden planter. Yesterday I'd very carefully measured and levelled the wood I needed but that was before I decided to go with  the shallower version. Somewhere along the line things went awry and when I put the whole thing together the top had a tilt in the opposite direction. Rather than trim down the higher end I gave up and just put some odd bits of wood under the shallow end to level things up.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Interesting about the cobb wall.