Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 30 June 2019

Mostly Grey.

The sun and its accompanying warmth did not appear until the early evening. The rest of the day was grey and windy. Right now we're having quite a pretty sunset with the tops of the clouds lit up in pink and gold. 
Now that the rhododendron bush has finished flowering I thought it time to give it a serious trim. I didn't check if it's the right time of year but I do know the common purple one is hard to kill. I just wanted to tidy up the garden for any potential viewers. Then I returned to deadheading the rose bush and clearing up the fallen petals. Picking up rose petals never featured as a gardening job at Dingles but if I was to leave them on the decking they would shrivel up or turn into a nasty mush, depending on the weather and detract from the general outdoor living ambiance of the back garden. 
I spent quite a long time in the garage finding a few items to offer on the free site and beginning packing up and relabelling the remaining cardboard boxes. The box of car stuff was collected this morning but I'm still waiting for the person who asked for the paints to turn up. There are now a number of empty plastic boxes and trays which I'm keeping to transport pots of plants.

1 comment:

happyone said...

NICE capture of the bee on the flower!