Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 12 November 2019


After a wet night it looked as if we were in for more rain. (The camera has only just caught the tail of a rainbow diving down behind the field.) However no more rain fell though I was nearly caught out by the weather conditions. I was walking to the hospital for an early, at least for me, appointment when I was stopped by a flood in the road. I hadn't even thought about that despite the way being nearly flooded across at my last visit. A car had passed me and had gone through safely so I looked around hoping that somebody else would come by and I could cadge a lift from them. After waiting for a while I was about to cross to the far pavement where I planned to remove my sheepskin boots, roll up my leggings and wade the 30-40 ft. to the other side of the flood when a chap came out of the new estate and told me there was a proper footpath in the estate running parallel to the road. Thanking him I was able to bypass the flood and get to the hospital in time for my appointment. 
At the hospital I was wired up with three electrodes and this gadget which I shall wear for the next week, except when in the shower. Every time there is a symptom or event as they call it I have to press the green button and fill in the form. Such fun. Hopefully then the cardiologist will be able to diagnose the problem and come up with a remedy.
From the hospital I strode down the hill to town where for once I was successful in collecting our prescriptions. I then bumped into a friend I hadn't seen for a long time and we had a good chat standing there in the High Street.
I had my usual trawl through the charity shops and bought this chunky card organiser in the Oxfam shop. It has a pocket for each month with space to write down birthdays etc. There's also an address book at the back. I had been thinking about doing something similar using a box and index cards as I often buy cards for people when I come across something particularly apt. The folder is filled with cute B&W cat cards which can go in my general store.
For the rest of the cold and windy day I sat and worked on the chair cover. The second arm cushion bit is nearly done, just needs a few tweaks and then comes the tricky bit of fitting the excess fabric smoothly around the front of the arms. My work was not helped by Speedy jumping on the chair and trying to catch the elastic and the ribbons.

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