Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 9 November 2019


Back to torrential rain during the night and for a large part of the day. Sadly this has shown that the latest round of sealing in the conservatory had little to no effect. I'll have to do my best to prise off two cover strips above the sliding doors on the inside to see where the rain is getting in.
Yesterday I took the plant pots out of the trough and emptied the water out. By this morning there was an inch of water back in the trough. 
Once the day's morning routine was done I was back working on the chair cover. To give myself room to tip the chair on its side and move around it I pushed back the coffee table and footstool which also gave Speedy more room to play his favourite game of 'chase the tape measure'. For the best effect I stand up on the coffee table giving Speedy plenty of room to race back and forth after the tantalising clicking of the metal end of the tape measure. I don't think he's moved so much since being confined indoors with the dreaded cone on his head. 

The builders have sent some more progress photos showing the window openings ready for the new double glazing which is due to be installed soon. We opted for pine sills either to paint or keep natural and no doubt my collection of beach pebbles and glass spheres will be gracing one eventually. I think I must be taking after my mother whose final years were spent creating installations including some with white marble egg shaped stones from the Greek island of Paros.

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