Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 22 November 2019


After a very wet morning it's been another grey day. I haven't really been out but as I can see the clouds being blown by a southerly wind I'm guessing it isn't too cold. Somehow, maybe due to keeping up with twice daily exercises when I was wearing the heart monitor or perhaps because I added a new arm exercise with weights but an old rib pain has come back big style. It's bad in the evenings but I'm not sure if that's an accumulation of the day's general movement or perhaps because of the way I sit to watch TV. I've been trying to take things more easily today and the exercises are back on hold. Nonetheless I had a sewing session and the seat cushion is complete with elastic keeping it taught. I'm not sure why it looks a different colour to the rest of the cover as it's made from the same piece of fabric. (Had a look and it does match, more so when you brush the pile the other way.)
While sewing I had another one of my ideas - the grey fabric offcuts would be perfect for making little mice. Another future project along with the needle felting, perhaps when wild weather keeps me indoors in Borth.

1 comment:

lea said...

You have inspired me to look at slipcovers for my chairs, they need a new look but I won't be doing any sewing on them!
Your mention of felting reminded me of a blog post by an acquaintance of mine. She saw a community art installation based on Monet's Garden. Everything but the bridge made of felt!
