Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 28 November 2019


A grey day with a burst of sunshine, so short that by the time Speedy had left my lap it was gone.
It wasn't too cold as I walked into town though I made sure my ears were covered as one ear is currently blocked since walking back from town on Monday with my ears uncovered. One stop was at the photo printing area in Boots. I hadn't used it before but after being shown a couple of things it was relatively simple. I wanted to print small photos to fit on our Christmas letter and was doing well until I saw that the sizes were in inches not centimetres and the smallest size was 6 inches by 4 inches. However sticking my photos on a collage format gave me the right sized photos and I only paid once. Today I remembered to take along a sample of the grey cover fabric when I looked for a throw. There are so many variations of grey around and I wasn't able to find a throw that would look good with the new covers. I also had a look around for 30 inch zips without finding any so I'll order them on-line.
And that's been my day. I just did a little pottering about once I got home as I find that walking home leaves me tired. I did get a reply from Tesco but they said that if I went to the environmental health office they wouldn't be able to deal with me further. What a cheek! They asked me to let them know if I had but I'm holding off until I hear more from the environmental health office.

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