Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 30 May 2020


 The long, hot summer continues. 
The warmth and the sun shining through the window woke me quite early this morning. Leaning out of my study window I saw the resident crow marching around making his regular inspection of the grass. 
He took no notice of Fluffy Cat sitting on the garden wall. (FC is looking up at me because I'd hissed at him to deter him from using the lawn as a toilet.) A little later the crow was still there and with a few squawks sent one of the two black cats off on her way.
As Peter had lost all confidence in Boots I had to go over to Tesco's today to collect our prescriptions. They had nearly everything, I think one item of mine may be still at Boots, but when I asked for the date to collect next month's prescription I was told they didn't know and would send a text when it was ready. It took me a while to process this information. We get 28 days worth of tablets (let's ignore all the spares we somehow have), you can't collect even a day early and a day late compromises the healthcare. Can't wait to use the pharmacy in Borth which is 2 doors down from the surgery. 
As I trimmed the smaller of the blob bushes I was most surprised to find an egg nestled in the flower bed. It was too far from the wall for somebody to have placed it there and if it had been thrown or dropped surely it would have broken. I wondered if it was a gull's egg stolen by another bird but they're speckled. Later on when we were having a conversation with an (unseen) neighbour in our back gardens she mentioned that she had a chicken's egg dropped on her patio. So they must have been stolen by either a seagull, rook or crow. I'll take the egg and carefully leave it on a piece of waste ground to avoid any smells. I do know that somebody keeps chickens in the garden of one of the big houses on the way to the church.
Speedy has finally taken to his new bed. We always spend the evening watching tv with Speedy, minus cone, on the sofa with me to make sure he doesn't lick his foot which is so nearly healed. Yesterday evening I took him back into the kitchen to spend the night where he jumped into the bed and began kneading (making biscuits) the soft rim while purring loudly. I'm glad that purchase is finally being useful.
Change of plan for the egg, I'll wait until evening and leave it out on the grass to see what the crow does with it.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Interesting about the egg!
With your spring being so warm wonder what summer has in store for you!