Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 6 May 2020


A day of blue skies and hot sun. A least we get plenty of variety with our island weather.
The washing was out on the line nice and early and was ready for ironing in the afternoon. My doctor had arranged another phone appointment to discuss the advice of the cardiologist so I was kept hovering near the phone during the afternoon until she phoned. So there'll be another change of some of my tablets, decreasing some while introducing something new. And of course another trip to the chemist to collect my new prescription. Thank goodness us over 60's don't have to pay.
While waiting I carried on creating new photo files with the photos I think are good enough for consideration for my memory books. It's going to be hard making the final cuts. 
After the phone call I was able to join Peter baking in the sun in the back garden. I took my mat out so that I could get some of my exercises out of the way. I don't bring the weights down as they weigh 14 kg in total. I really need to buy some 2kg wrist weights as I've just increased the amount for each wrist to 4 kg. For the moment I've been jamming on a second 1 kg leg weight over the original 1 kg wrist weights. I could just buy new dumbbells to replace my current 2kg ones but I don't want to inadvertently flex my wrists and put too much pressure on the joints.  
The birds were constant visitors to the Bird Restaurant last night. The Great Tit made another appearance and after sitting in the bush came and perched on the 6ft canes supporting the new climbers. This afternoon as we sat in the garden the blackbirds were back and forth with beakfuls of food for their chicks. I've put out a shallow tray of water with some stones in, in the back garden. I watched the male blackbird arrive with several large grubs or worms in his beak, fly down to the water and dip the grubs in the water before making a vertical takeoff to the nest. There's always something new to see.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Can you believe we had snow mixed in with the rain today!!