Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Leaving the Nest.

Another bright day with a bite in the wind. 
Our usual schedule was abandoned today as both of us had a bad night. I had to make an extra trip to the shops today as Peter needed some Corsodyl for his gums and was almost out of frozen vegetables. He usually cooks for himself but this evening I shared the cooking and eating of the vegetables (peas, French beans, broccoli and potatoes)  while Peter roasted some chicken. What a lot of extra work that is. My plate of salad vegetables takes 5 minutes to chop and another 5 in the microwave and to be honest I prefer it to today's veg which I had with tinned herring in sauce. Each to his own. Peter says he enjoys cooking and he usually cooks enough for several meals in one go.
When I went downstairs this morning the blackbirds were creating a dreadful racket with their alarm calls. I went outside to check if a cat was threatening the nest but instead found one of the fledgling blackbirds sitting on the trellis.
It's still got a few bits of baby fluff and a big yellow beak. What the photos don't show is that it doesn't have any tail feathers so can't really fly. 
After I came back from my shopping trip we decided to sit out in the garden to enjoy the sun. As I joined him Peter said the blackbirds were once again making a lot of noise. No surprise when I discovered the fledgling stumbling about in the plants behind Peter's chair. 
For the rest of the afternoon the youngster hopped about the garden, under bushes and even right down to the house. The parents kept arriving with more food for it and for the remaining youngster(s) we could hear still in the nest. At times the wandering fledgling was able to flap up a couple of feet into the  ivy on the fence so maybe it has made its way back to the nest though it may be hiding under the bushes.
I posted off the contract for the remaining windows and doors for Red Roofs but we have now hit another setback. There is no plaster to be bought in the whole of Wales and the plasterer needs 25 bags to skim the walls before the decorating can be done. Peter even phoned up the company that manufactures the plaster only to be told they are not in production yet. He may have found a way to get some before the 6 weeks most suppliers have been quoting. I do hope so.

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