Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 4 May 2020


It was a slightly misty morning first thing but then as promised we had a dry day with sunny spells. A good day for hanging out the washing on the line.
I was up early as was the female blackbird who had caught the worms which had come to the surface of the wet grass. Later, once the grass had dried Peter cut the main grass while I gave both of the blob bushes a trim. Peter's foot began to bother him so I mowed our tiny patch of grass. Then of course I had to tidy up the lawn edges with my garden scissors (they work better than either of our pairs of shears) and couldn't ignore the excess of plants other than grass growing in the lawn. I quite like a wildflower meadow but I think future house viewers might prefer a tidy lawn. Even from our tiny lawn I removed a whole bucket of dandelions and something which for some reason I've always called 'Tares' which is nothing like Tares. As my gardening books are all packed away I've had a fruitless search to identify it on the web. Rather shocked to see aquilegias and purple campanula classed as weeds though as we all know weeds are simply plants growing where you don't want them. 
Going out in the front garden this morning I found evidence that at least one hedgehog had been wandering around last night. 
The govt. appears to be preparing us for some changes in the lockdown restrictions. Businesses are being told that they can ignore the 6ft distancing and can consider alternative measures. Details of suitable PPE haven't been given and workers could be put in unsafe conditions if the employers do little more than 'consider' providing soap etc. There's pressure to get children back to school which I suspect is more to free up parents who have had to look after their children. I'm so glad I'm not teaching any more. Here the number of people who have passed away from covid in the hospital has reached 15 and hopefully will not increase.

1 comment:

happyone said...

We had a whole day of sunshine!! It was lovely!