Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 11 May 2020


It's been bright and breezy today but bitterly cold out in the wind. We found ourselves the most sheltered spot at the top of the garden for an hour of enjoying the sun and the sound of the wind rushhing through the tall trees.
Today I tackled the problem of the kitchen sink waste which wasn't draining away as well as it should. After clearing everything from the cupboard below I attempted to unscrew the rings holding on the U-bend but they had been tightened up so firmly I was unable to budge them at all. (Peter's hands are far too damaged for him to even try.) Instead it was time for plan 2, caustic soda crystals. I'm very nervous when using strong chemicals  so I read the instructions carefully, donned gloves, mask and goggles before carefully mixing up the crystals in water and pouring them down the  plug hole. Half an hour later I rinsed copiously and hosed the drain under the outside cover. The water is flowing away normally now.
Yesterday evening we were informed of the ways in which the lockdown is going to be eased. The main exhortation has now been changed from 'Stay home,' to 'Stay alert'. No clarification what that means and we're still to stay home when possible. I think 'Stay alert', means if you get covid it will be your fault because you didn't stay alert. Workers who are unable to work from home have been told to return to work where their employers will provide protection but they shouldn't use public transport where possible. That's going to put the lower paid workers at much greater risk. 
We've been told that from Wednesday we can go out to exercise as much as we like and drive places as long as we return to our homes the same night.
Some age groups of children should be back at school soon. They're talking about Reception (5yrs), Year 1 (6 yrs) and Year 6 (10yrs). How will that work for the 5 year olds? They won't be able to play or do any activity with other children and presumably every time a piece of equipment, pencil, Lego etc stops being used by one child it will have to be disinfected before it can be touched by another child. Children going to the toilet will have to be supervised by an adult and everything they touch wiped down afterwards. Even if a class is controlled enough that children sit at individual tables 6ft away from anyone else what effect will that have emotionally on the children? No way would I let my child be taught under such conditions.
BTW The Scottish, Welsh and Irish devolved govts. do not agree with any of this and are keeping the lockdown for the time being.
A buff-tailed bumble bee, look how large it is.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Glad to hear you got your drain flowing again!! Good Job!
It seems like it would be awfully to control the children and LOTS of work on the teachers.
Our state of Maryland has no plans yet to reopen anything that I know of.