Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 14 May 2020


The cold wind is still here but with hardly a cloud in the sky it has felt a lot warmer today. Perfect drying weather. Any sheltered corner, such as the front garden, was a real hot spot. We spent an hour or so sitting out in the back garden enjoying the relative peace and warmth.
While sitting out in the garden I attempted to take an action shot of the bumble bees. The smaller Early Bumble Bees (Bombus Pratorum) this time. Peter eventually reminded me about the 'action' setting on my camera. I'd used it before and had trouble loading a frame to my files but this time that wasn't a problem. Instead I had difficulty starting and stopping the camera and got a lot of frames without any bees in at all.
I'd planned a day of sewing today which began well as I measured and cut a 12" strip of the largest of the blue towels (I bought 4 more of different sizes yesterday, might as well grab a bargain). I had some bias binding or the right colour but it is about 8" too short. 'Never mind' I thought,  'I'll use the card of black bias binding instead but it was too narrow. So now I've bought 5m of the right colour and width on eBay. Next I began pinning the legs of the summer trousers I bought from Tesco's. The fabric weight and design are fine but the cut is a little of the 'Cossack' style, baggy round the thighs. I plan to make the legs narrower which looks a lot better. I stopped at the pinning stage as it was too nice to stay inside. Instead I took out a favourite t-shirt of Peter's which had more holes around the neck. I've already mended it once so this time I'm patching on some black fabric behind to give it a bit more life. I may even use the narrow black bias binding on the neck which is very frayed. I did upset Peter by informing him that another t-shirt which is more hole than shirt is heading for the rag bag.  
I've noticed that after Sunday's announcements regarding easing the lockdown I've seen a number of cases here where the instructions regarding visitors are not being followed to the letter. I know that some at least of the 'offenders' are very quick to condemn infringements by others but it has been 8 weeks and there are very few cases in this part of the county.  

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